Pretty Persuasion

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"

Peter Bradshaw
Friday June 23, 2006

The time might have arrived to fall out of love with the sophisticated US high school comedy. Pretty Persuasion is as slick as you like, but it is mostly crude, heavy-handed and derivative. Evan Rachel Wood, who was so discomfiting in the teen nightmare Thirteen, plays Kimberley, a manipulative teenager who accuses her English teacher of sexual harassment; that may or may not be linked to the unhappy man's decision to cast her best friend, instead of her, as the lead in the drama club production of The Diary of Anne Frank. The take-home message seems to be that high school is a ritual of humiliation which tempts girls into poisonous sexual politics. It's been said before, in better movies.

crude- grubymi nićmi szyty, nieskomplikowany
derivative- wtórny
discomfit- wprawiać w zakłopotanie, pokrzyżować plany
harassment- molestowanie
heavy-handed- niezdarny, toporny
humiliation- upokorzenie
manipulative- intrygancki
ritual- obrządek, rytuał
slick- zgrabnie zrobiony
sophisticated- wyszukany, uczony
tempt into- kusić; nakłaniać


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